We want to make sure our customers can access and use our insurance products as easily as possible, whether you are young, new to insurance, or have difficulties accessing or understanding it. We have provided some information and links below which can help you through your journey.

Disability and accessibility:

If you have any difficulty dealing with us due to disability we are here to help. You can contact us using live chat (where available), by telephone or email. Insurers may also able to provide documentation in alternative formats, for example large print or braille.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing you can also contact us to manage your policy or claim by using our live chat facility, by emailing or writing to us (if the matter is urgent we recommend using the live chat facility). Or you can use a text relay service such as Typetalk.

Health problems:

If you are having difficulties due to health concerns, please contact us by any of the methods mentioned above and we will try to assist.


Bereavement can create difficulties, both emotional and financial. Please let us know if we can help during this difficult period.

Financial difficulties:

If you are experiencing financial problems affecting your policy, please contact us and we will discuss ways in which we may be able to help.

Specialist support and advice services:

We will do our best to help you however you can also find support for a variety of matters from various organisations who specialise in providing advice and support for individuals:

If you have found a service that you felt gave you the support you needed that is not listed here, please do let us know, so that we can look to update and improve our support pages.

Insurance Guides:

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has produced simple step by step guides for consumers who are looking to buy motor, home, and travel insurance among other things. They can be found here:

MoneyHelper is a free service provided by the Money and Pensions Service and has a series of articles and information about insurance, which you can find on their website here: This information is aimed more at personal lines customers, but commercial customers may also find it useful.

Disclaimer: All of the above is general information only and is not legal advice. We have tried to ensure this page and its content is relevant and accurate, but we provide the information without responsibility to or reliance by you. We assume no responsibility for the contents of any linked websites.

Our FAQs:

We have put together some of the most common questions we are asked about a range of different things. You can find them on our Help and Support page or by following this link: